Conscious Sedation

Conscious sedation is a technique in which the use of a drug or drugs produces a level of depression of the central nervous system enabling treatment to be carried out. During the sedation, verbal contact with the patient is still maintained. However, the patient’s awareness of the performed procedure as well as their surroundings, is absent.

Procedures performed in the dental office may carry a considerable amount of fear and anxiety for many patients. In certain instances, Dr Ranchod may be able to offer conscious sedation, performed in his rooms, to ease anxiety and apprehension. The sedation is always carried out by a qualified and experienced sedationist.

Indications for Conscious Sedation:

  • Dental phobia and anxiety
  • Traumatic and long oral surgical procedures
  • Medical conditions aggravated by stress
  • Mentally challenged individuals
  • Ineffective local anaesthesia due to any reason.